Final Quarter Preparation.

The end of 2024 is near. How was your year so far?

Richard Edge
September 1, 2024

How was your year so far?

·    Have you accomplished what you set out to do this year?

·    Are you on track with your 2024 goals?

·    Are there areas where you can still push yourself?

·     Do you feel happy?


This is the perfect time to evaluate your 2024.


The transition from summer to fall is symbolic of personal growth and transformation. The last four months of the year present a powerful opportunity to refocus, set new goals, and finish strong. Whether you’re looking to advance in your current role, switch careers, or develop new skills, now is the time to strategise and act.


Steps to September Success

1.       Review your progress.

Reflect on the goals you set at the beginning of the year. Have you met your milestones? If not, identify the barriers that have impeded your progress. This honest assessment is essential for understanding where you stand and what adjustments need to be made.


2.       Refine your goals.

As the end of the year approaches, priorities may shift. It’s important to realign your goals with your current situation and the evolving demands of your role. This could mean narrowing your focus to a few key objectives that are both realistic and impactful.


3.       Reset your action plan.

Break down your targets into manageable tasks with specific deadlines. This approach not only makes your goals more achievable but also helps maintain momentum as you work toward the year’s end.Remember, consistency is key -small, consistent efforts often lead to significant results over time.

Water your network


As we approach the final quarter of the year, it's essential to recognise the importance of actively maintaining your professional relationships.

Just like plants require regular watering to thrive, your network needs consistent attention to grow and remain robust.

A watered network opens doors to new opportunities, provides valuable insights, and offers support during career transitions or challenges. It keeps you informed about industry trends, enhances your adaptability, and can be instrumental in achieving your year-end goals.


Investing time in these connections now will pay dividends in the months and years ahead.

New Beginning


So, as you sip your coffee and embrace the cooler air, think about what you want to achieve by the end of 2024. Don’t let the year slip away without making the most of these final months.


Let September be the month where your new beginning truly begins.

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