UK General Election

A general election has been called, much sooner than expected. Tactical or not?

Richard Edge
June 1, 2024

The election had to be called at some point in 2024, it was only a matter of when but why now?

1. 🌞 Sunshine! By calling it in July when the weather is at it’s peak, history and statistics tell us that people want change less when the sun is out! Will this steer people to a Tory vote?

2. 📉 Economics! It’s just been announced that UK inflation has dropped to its lowest point in 2 years with many economists suggesting an interest rate will follow in the next month. If this comes and it’s significant, with an election on the horizon, people may be swayed to stick with what seems to be working.

3. 🌊 Riding a wave! In recent weeks, Rishi has publicly sought to take credit for clamping down on the Post Office scandal and he’s made a very public stand on apologising for the Infected Blood Inquiry. Two scandals that have outraged the population but had nothing to do with Rishi, he has stood up and apologised for and lambasted those responsible. Will this swing people to a Rishi vote?

4. ⏳ Now or never! With the sunshine out, the economy improving and riding the wave of lashing two public scandals, his advisors would surely be saying to Rishi – “It’s not great, but it’s not going to get any better in the coming months – now’s the time!”

What does this mean for your career?

In your career there are key moments. You can either drift and allow things to happen to you, or you can take action and seek to control the process and your own progression. When making key strategic choices and plotting the moves that will help you fulfil your vision, there are many factors to consider. Micro and Macro. Internal and External.

A good place to start is with a PESTLE analysis and the “P” starts with political factors. Assessing this area is important because with this you need to keep a finger on the pulse of what is happening in your political system.

“It doesn’t affect me; I hear you cry”.

Well message me your context and in less than 100 words I will outline why the political environment will affect you in the next 12 months – guaranteed. (Even if you don’t live in the UK!)

Enhancing your career during times of change

→ Stay Informed: Understanding and keeping up to date with current activity will help you anticipate and navigate possible impacts.

→ Professional Development: Remain competitive by improving your skills and qualifications, within this evolving political landscape.

→ Network! Engaging with your professional relationships can provide you with resources and opportunities to build career resilience.

Whether he has made a right choice, we will only know on the 5th of July. Do I agree with it? Those are thoughts for the Careerships Alumni!


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